Strong and Pretty
For many years the female race was considered the weakest sex, but if you look at history it has been the women who have defended not only their families with incredible strength but also their countries.
Cleopatra is a perfect example of a women with great beauty who with that beautiful was able to bring the strongest men to their knees. She also was a power to be dealt with when it came to her country. As pharaoh, she consummated a liaison with Julius Caesar solidifying her rein on the throne. She elevated her son with Caesar to co-rule guaranteeing her continued control.
Women today run many Fortune 500 companies. These women are corporate players, as well as wives and mothers. They are strong in their commitments to these roles and stronger in their commitments of making a difference.
Pretty is a word that little girls hear while growing up. “Oh how cute she looks – don’t play in the dirk you will not look as nice.” Beauty has it place in every woman’s life it just does not have to mean appearance only, but the strength that comes from the beauty inside and the strength derived from.
Strong and Pretty should be word taught to every little girl – as long as it is followed with “strong” in commitment and “pretty” inside and out.